Friday 30 January 2015

Lucinda Schreiber

Lucinda Schreiber is an Australian director, animator, and illustrator. Graduating with a MA in animation from UTS she then become a lecturer in motion graphics and animation. Her short film, “The Goat That Ate Time” (Which she created before her graduation) has been screened widely across Australia and the world, receiving national and international awards. Schreiber has directed and animated numerous music videos and advertisements for clients such as Coca-cola, Telstra, Gotye and more. She is now currently based in New York City and is represented by Photo play Films in Australia, Asia and the USA.

The two videos above are the advertisements for Coca-cola created by Schreiber, her main materials used within these videos was sugar paper and ink in the form of  stop-motion paper animation. She creates many different shapes and motions using the combination of paper and stop motion which creates a very smooth visual performance of art. The different use of colours also helps to seperate the different shapes from each other, they act very similar to vector graphics except non digital. The main colours she uses within these videos are red, green and white. The red and white are to portray the colour themes of Coca-cola, the green is also including to represent the new environmentally friendly approach that the company is taking.  

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